Listing 7 zkSync ecosystem projects worth paying attention to:, SyncSwap, Velocore…

7 zkSync ecosystem projects to watch:, SyncSwap, Velocore...

The zkSync ecosystem is just beginning to develop, but its TVL has already reached $160 million. Cryptocurrency researcher Finish has compiled a list of 7 projects within the zkSync ecosystem that are worth paying attention to.

1) a decentralized multi-chain order book exchange that offers traders centralized liquidity, seamless execution, and self-custody of funds; 2) SyncSwap: with a TVL of over 66 million USD, it offers various trading tools and incentivizes users with its platform token ySYNC; 3) Velocore: a ve(3,3) DEX based on the Velodrome Finance and Solidity codebase, integrated with an exponential decay mechanism, and plans to introduce an elastic token model in the future. It has also built a LaunchBlockingd platform to help expand the ecosystem;

4) Reactor Fusion: a decentralized non-custodial peer-to-peer lending market that currently only supports ETH and USDC, with plans to support more assets in the future; 5) SBlockingceFi: a cross-chain decentralized exchange that supports Ecmos and zkSync, offering products such as DEX, NFT, Starter, and SBlockingcebase, with new products such as Game and Social Network coming soon; 6) Izumi Finance: offers a liquidity-as-a-service ultimate solution, with a TVL of over 100 million USD; 7) veSync: a ve(3,3) DEX and a branch of Velodrome Finance, aiming to become an efficient liquidity platform.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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