Quick Look at Token Unlocking Status of Mainstream Projects in June

June Status of Token Unlocking in Mainstream Projects

Encryption researcher Defi_Mochi has compiled all the important token unlocking information for June, including APT, BLUR, BITDAO, LOOKS, and APE.

1) APT: APT worth approximately $27.2 million will be unlocked on June 12, accounting for about 2.26% of the current market value.

2) BLUR: BLUR worth approximately $64.6 million will be unlocked on June 15, currently valued at $162.57 million, unlocking about 39.8% of the current market value.

3) BITDAO worth approximately $79.9 million will be unlocked on June 15, currently valued at $619.54 million, unlocking approximately 12.9% of the current market value.

4) LOOKS: LOOKS worth approximately $2.2 million will be unlocked on June 16, currently valued at $31.36 million, unlocking about 7.02% of the current market value.

5) APE: APE worth $36.2 million will be unlocked on June 17, currently valued at $855 million, unlocking about 4.2% of the current market value.

6) IMX: IMX worth approximately $1.1 million will be unlocked on June 17, currently valued at $605 million, unlocking about 1.8% of the current market value.

7) dLP: dLP worth approximately $3.94 million will be unlocked on June 19, with a current market value of $67.2 million RDNT.

8) SBlockingCE: SBlockingCE worth approximately $4.1 million will be unlocked on June 22, with a current market value of $76.5 million, unlocking about 5.4% of the current market value.

9) RON: RON worth approximately $12.9 million will be unlocked on June 27, with a current market value of $196.5 million, unlocking about 6.58% of the current market value.

10) YCG: YCG worth approximately $2.3 million will be unlocked on June 27, with a current market value of $25.12 million, unlocking about 9.2% of the current market value.

11) OP: OP worth approximately $26.3 million will be unlocked on June 30, unlocking about 3.75% of the current market value.

Reference: https://twitter.com/defi_mochi/status/1667909652498223104

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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