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UniswapX Opening the Gateway to Uniswap V4 DeFi Experimental Base

The recently launched UniswapX is currently in an opt-in beta version. It is expected that Uniswap X will leverage fu...


The behind-the-scenes story of Port3's continuous support from major institutions Deeply exploring social mining products and ecosystem.

On October 23, decentralized social platform Port3 announced that it has received investments from DWF, as well as do...


YugaLabs CEO: Our biggest risk is deviating from our mission, not regulation

Yuga Labs CEO Daniel Alegre attended an offline event hosted by the Overpriced APEC podcast in Austin, sharing some o...


Old-timers Leaving the Crypto Circle Some Get Married and Have Children, Some Start New Businesses

In the world of encryption, people come and go. Have you ever wondered where the people who have left the cryptocurre...


Full testimony of Avalanche founder: We are standing at the edge of a new era

"The United States and its citizens can greatly benefit from the economic growth brought about by blockchain technol...


a16z Crypto Partner discusses NFT Royalties How it Works, Evolution, and Solutions

People initially had high hopes for NFTs NFT smart contracts enforce secondary royalties on the blockchain, so creato...