Listing 5 Catalyst Projects / Narrative: Level Finance, Metavault, Lybra Finance…

Catalyst projects include Level Finance, Metavault, and Lybra Finance among others.

Encrypted KOL Gaz introduced 5 projects that he believes have the most potential, namely Level Finance, GMX, Metavault, Lybra Finance, and ZK rollups.

As the primary decentralized perpetual trading platform on BSC, Level Finance’s 24-hour fees and revenue even surpass that of the perp king, GMX. With Level Finance soon to support Arbitrum, this $33 million project will have even greater potential.

GMX’s V2 testnet is now live on Avalanche. Chainlink oracles have replaced the previous internal oracles, ensuring order execution, reducing costs, and upgrading the market. GMX currently has a market cap of $475 million and TVL of $640 million. As a blue-chip DEX, it is a long-term bullish project.

Metavault is a perp exchange on Polygon that has recently gained some attention. Metavault’s partnership with Buffer Finance makes them the first protocol to offer binary options trading on Polygon, giving them a first-mover advantage. Metavault has a market cap of only $3.2 million and is worth watching.

Lybra Finance has skyrocketed with the help of LSDfi’s narrative, and its stablecoin eUSD has already minted $50 million. TVL has been increasing all month and is currently at $112 million. Discussions about Lybra V2 are underway, including integration with LayerZero and more collateral assets available for minting eUSD.

Lastly, ZK rollups are a narrative that excels in scalability, security, and most notably, privacy. We have already seen good performance from Optimistic rollup projects like Arbitrum, and ZK rollup projects will seize the opportunity in the next bull market. Some projects to watch are: zkSync, Starknet, Scroll, Polygon, and Aztec Network.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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