13 Potential Airdrop Projects You Can’t Miss

13 Must-See Airdrop Projects

Author: ardizor, Crypto KOL; Translator: Blocking0xxz

Airdrops have made millionaires, but high on-chain fees have put off some people.

I have compiled 13 zero-cost potential airdrop projects. Don’t miss out.

1 , Shardeum

Shardeum is an L1 blockchain built on EVM with infinite scalability and atomic cross-shard composability. It uses dynamic sharding, with each new node increasing TPS (transactions per second).

2 , Base

Base is an L2 blockchain that is developer-friendly and expected to bring more than one billion users into the web3 world. It is secure and customizable, accommodating Coinbase’s on-chain products while remaining an open playground where anyone can develop and build on it.

3 , Scroll

Scroll is a Type-2 ZK-rollup that extends Ethereum. It has native compatibility with existing applications and tools, and provides a solution to scalability requirements, with three main components: scalability, EVM-equivalence, and security.

4 , Linea

Linea is a Type-2 zero-knowledge Ethereum virtual machine. With Linea, developers can build on an Ethereum emulation environment just like on the mainnet.

5 , Zetachain

Zetachain breaks down the barriers of cross-chain and multi-chain problems, opening the door to inclusive cryptocurrencies and a global financial ecosystem. Guess what? They have the support of Binance and Coinbase employees.

6 , Fuel

Fuel is the ultimate modular execution layer, offering unparalleled security and flexible throughput. How do they do it?

· Parallel transaction execution

· Fuel Virtual Machine (FuelVM)

· Developer experience using Sway language and Forc toolchain

7 , Taiko

Taiko is an emerging Ethereum equivalent ZK-Rollup that mimics Ethereum by extending Ethereum with a decentralized and secure L2 architecture that supports all EVM transaction code.

8 , Polyhedra

Polyhedra enables seamless asset transfer, messaging, and data sharing between Web2 and Web3 systems with maximum efficiency and minimal trust issues.

9 , EigenLayer

EigenLayer is an Ethereum-based protocol that introduces re-staking. EigenLayer allows users to “re-stake” locked tokens to verify Ethereum, which allows those tokens to be reused and helps secure other protocols.

10 , Sei

Sei is an L1 blockchain that brings advantages to DeFi applications. Sei provides users with an unprecedented DeFi experience, with user experience and bandwidth comparable to centralized exchanges.

11 , Mantle

Mantle is a technology stack for Ethereum scaling that combines optimistic rollup with a unique data availability solution using a modular architecture. The Mantle mainnet is being developed by the creators of Bybit (BitDAO) and may be released in the coming months.

12 , Quai Network

Quai Network is an L1 blockchain that can achieve 50,000+ TPS without compromising security or decentralization.

13 , 5ire

5ire is a leading smart contract platform that helps achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It runs on an EVM-compatible L1 blockchain, prioritizing “benefit” solutions.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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