Articles about RWA - Section 9

The next trillion-dollar market? Global financial giants are rushing to embrace RWA tokenization

Tokenization of Real World Assets (RWA) is not only a key factor in the mainstream adoption of DeFi and Web3, but als...

SharkTeam: On-Chain Data Analysis of RWA Raceway

Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization refers to the process of converting stable and income-generating assets in the re...

What is the current state of development of on-chain government bonds? We have studied 5 agreements.

Inventory the development status of on-chain national debt of Ondo, Matrixdock, Maple, OpenEden, and MakerDAO.

Bitcoin supply trend is changing, with a shift towards the East already taking shape.

Bitcoin's year-on-year regional supply changes show that Bitcoin is beginning to shift from US wallets to Asian ones....

From ERC20, 721, 1155 to 3525: A detailed account of RWA’s journey towards Web3 mass adoption

Encryption researcher Bocai Bocai believes that in the RWA narrative, the ERC-3525 standard has the most potential. H...

The Sustainable Path of Integrating Environment and Finance: Can ReFi Reshape Web3?

ReFi hopes to use blockchain technology to migrate ecological assets to the chain in a real and tamper-proof manner. ...

US House Stablecoin Hearing: State and Federal Regulatory Authority Dispute Focus of Both Parties

On May 18th, during the hearing on stablecoins at the US House of Representatives, the newly formed Digital Assets, F...

Understanding the business model and product components of Centrifuge, one of the leading companies in RWA

Centrifuge has built a complete framework for RWA. Currently, MakerDAO is its main client, and the fund pool integrat...

Exploring the New Trends of the Three Pillars of DeFi: DEX, Lending, and Stablecoins

Today we will talk about the new trends in the three main components of DeFi: DEX, lending, and stablecoins.

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