Depth | Application Guide for Blockchain Wars

Editor's note:

A sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus, which opened in 2020, gave each of us a head start, and the whole society was forced to press the pause button. Many SME entrepreneurs are filled with fear, anxiety, powerlessness, helplessness, and even some entrepreneurs pessimistically think, "Maybe you and I will be bankrupted for a month or two."

As everyone knows, "Every crisis is a blessing", every crisis has hidden opportunities. The greater the crisis, the greater the chance!

In 2003, physical stores upgraded e-commerce due to SARS;

In 2020, the centralized office will change the distributed collaborative office due to the new crown epidemic; remote collaboration, open source governance, token incentives, autonomous organizations, distributed commerce, distributed office and other blockchain business values ​​and rules bring new opportunities to business organizations .

From February 5th to February 13th (except weekends), the blockchain industry talent think tank, Huoxun Finance and Chainman International jointly hosted a series of topics entitled "Under the Epidemic, How Does Blockchain Help Business and Organizational Innovation? "Huoxun Talk's special event for the blockchain industry talent think tank. The blockchain industry talent research institute serves as the guiding unit, and the National Research Think Tank Digital Economic Innovation Development Center serves as the supporting unit.

Within 7 days, 14 blockchain industry talent think tank experts took turns appearing. Each of them shared an online theme for about an hour, and systematically exported the blockchain + medical treatment, blockchain + emergency management, and blockchain. + Public welfare charity, blockchain + online education, distributed office, blockchain business organization, blockchain + employment and other specific areas of thinking and suggestions to inspire and support SMEs and business organizations in the epidemic crisis.

Live recordings total more than 50,000 words! (Follow the "Huoxun Financial Information" public account to reply to the "Guide", and watch the full version of the "Blockchain War Epidemic" Application Guide Collection "full report.)


Highlights of "Blockchain War Epidemic" Application Guide Collection


Blockchain + Medical

Wang Maolu Founder of Beijing Consensus Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

"Under the epidemic, how to use the blockchain to solve the problem of drug shortage? 》 Excerpt:

An outstanding problem in this epidemic is the management of the shortage of medicines, which is a very complicated issue. Involving manufacturers, development and reform, drug supervision, hospital information collection, multiple departments, multiple links. One idea is to use the blockchain to achieve point-to-point level data synchronization:

For the pharmaceutical company's production plan, provide relevant data and subsidies to encourage pharmaceutical companies to produce short-term drugs in response to the shortage of market-oriented drugs; provide research and development arrangements for new drugs, and address the shortage of market-oriented drugs to provide analysis of shortage types to assist pharmaceutical companies in new drugs Adjustment of research and development direction; for drug allocation, in response to regional drug shortages, provide relevant data to support medical institutions to allocate and share drug resources with each other to resolve shortages; for targeted sales of drugs, regional drug shortages Provide relevant data to support targeted marketing of pharmaceutical companies and resolve shortages.

Realize information collection synchronization, trusted computing, production allocation incentives through the chain, and settle down several major databases such as industry libraries, production libraries, inventory libraries, research and development libraries, etc., and then further mine the data to generate statistical prediction models to further guide production scheduling and further Perform warnings and forecasts.

Zhang Xiaojun Director of Huawei Blockchain Project

Excerpts from "Huawei Advancing Blockchain Application and Medical Data Sharing and Public Welfare Fundraising, Using Science and Technology to Fight the Epidemic"

In terms of medical information sharing, I personally think that hospitals that can use public health platforms are used as a pilot. Hospitals, government departments, banks, and medical insurance units will form alliance chains. Take HIS on-chain as an example, use electronic cases to generate on-chain, and on-chain. After HIS sharing and signature of the responsible person, as well as users' cross-hospital visits, synchronization of case information, and tracking of medical insurance reimbursement. This not only effectively guarantees the authenticity of the electronic case on-chain, transfers the credibility in sharing, but also facilitates the user's mobile phone to query the full set of cases and the sharing situation of the hospital, thereby improving the overall ability of hospitalization, digitalization, Internetization, and cloudification And application, extend the hospital's tentacles and achieve joint prevention and control.

Fan Jingang Vice President and Secretary General of Blockchain Branch of China Group Promotion Association

Excerpts from "How the blockchain enables medical data sharing scenarios" in the epidemic:

By establishing a blockchain-based data sharing model and establishing corresponding incentive mechanisms, various types of talents from multi-professional fields, including data scientists, business experts, institutional decision makers, IT engineers, etc., will help deepen the mining of medical care The value of health big data and better predictive and early warning management.

It is precisely because blockchain technology has the characteristics of multi-centralization, time series data, collective maintenance, programmability, and security and reliability. Therefore, in promoting the trusted sharing of medical data, blockchain technology is bound to be the most promising tool.

On the one hand, the government will have new policy support, on the other hand, the trusted sharing of big data based on blockchain and the application of privacy protection technologies, both of which can promote medical big data sharing and eliminate information silos. I estimate that it will be widely used in the next 2-3 years.


Blockchain + Emergency Management

Duan Linxiao Co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer of Micro (Tianjin) Technology Development Co., Ltd.

"In the epidemic, he proposed the establishment of a national-level blockchain integrated emergency management collaborative platform" excerpt:

The construction of a national-level blockchain integrated emergency management coordination platform requires the deployment of national agencies such as the National People's Congress and the State Council. The local government, ministries and commissions, and the corresponding commissions and offices are the main constituent nodes on the blockchain platform. Among them, the data of the hospital's HIS system is particularly important. With the development needs, combined with the technical characteristics of the blockchain, it can carry more ministries and local governments to join the nodes on the chain, such as charity organizations, customs, earthquake bureau, meteorological bureau, etc.

The main purpose of the "National Integrated Emergency Management Collaboration Platform" of the blockchain is to break the "information island" and realize real-time data sharing, collaboration, and cross-validation comparison between multiple departments, forming a relationship between various government departments, the government and society. The verifiable, traceable, and verifiable trusted data system improves the transparency, information security, and communication efficiency of trusted information; clear and confirms the power of data information through the blockchain, traceable sources, and accountability, thereby Provide accurate basis for emergency management decision-making, and achieve rational and effective management of social public opinion.


Blockchain + Charity

Zhang Xiaojun Director of Huawei Blockchain Project

Excerpts from "Huawei Advancing Blockchain Application and Medical Data Sharing and Public Welfare Fundraising, Using Science and Technology to Fight the Epidemic"

Huawei is currently communicating with government departments and hospitals, hoping to use our capabilities to use blockchain to make public fundraising transparent, establish a public fundraising chain, and make the information flow controllable and manageable. Set up nodes on key entities such as government departments, hospitals, public welfare organizations, and track and manage with digital tokens to make each use clear and transparent.

Zheng LeiDirector and PhD, Digital Economy Research Center, Hong Kong International New Economic Research Institute

Excerpts from "How Blockchain Solves Credit Issues in Charity":

The blockchain uses a distributed technology and consensus algorithm to reconstruct a trust mechanism. The data stored on the chain is reliable and cannot be tampered with. It is naturally suitable for social welfare scenarios. Donors, philanthropy platforms and payees should be data-chained, and the entire process should be completely open. Whether it is the donor, the public, or the demand side, you can clearly see the flow of each charity, so that each charity The models can be implemented. Blockchain technology can connect the front-end, middle-end, and back-end data to make the donation data and distribution data public. Regardless of donation or allocation, allocation, and use, there is a time stamp record, and each fund can be quickly matched and verified.

In addition, in this blockchain application, smart contract technology can also be used. For directed donations, they are automatically executed by smart contracts, and no human intervention on the charity platform is required, but parties can still monitor and verify the implementation of directed donations at any time. .

For charitable materials donation, as the physical goods are involved in the circulation and storage, the data of these links need to be chained. This requires the support of IoT technology, which will increase the amount of data, and also need to leverage cloud computing, big data and Artificial intelligence technology.

Chen Xiaohua Digital Economist, Director of Blockchain Committee of China Mobile Communications Federation

Excerpts from "Actively Exploring the Road to Blockchain Battles":

The outbreak has accelerated the application of next-generation information technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence in government governance, poverty alleviation, charity and other industries, and the blockchain industry ushers in new development opportunities. After the epidemic, blockchain will usher in a new round of development climax.

Blockchain technology can reduce transaction costs, increase transparency, and reduce the conflict between donations and acceptance in the philanthropy field.

For government regulators or civil affairs departments, it is only necessary to lead the establishment of a unified charity operation platform (blockchain supply chain operation platform), so that all legal charities must be stationed on this platform to operate charitable projects, which can make fraudulent fake charities. Nowhere to hide. At the same time, the blockchain technology used by the platform can be used for integrity and integrity of funds and materials supervision.

Ruijuan Yuan Assistant to President and General Manager of Huobi Labs

Excerpts from "The New Challenges and Opportunities Brought to the Leaders by" Fangcun Tiandi ":

Many problems reflected in this epidemic can actually be effectively improved through the blockchain. In terms of public welfare, Huobi Group is also actively carrying out some explorations and practices, which can include, for example: digital identity information on the chain, allowing citizens to have on-chain identities, real-time traceability on the donated material information chain, and capital and material circulation information Inquiry and verification, public welfare contribution incentive mechanism, intelligent demand matching and process management, on-chain travel of patients diagnosed with major epidemics, and public opinion release verification, etc. I believe that soon, with everyone's joint efforts, blockchain + public welfare will definitely take a solid step.


Blockchain + Online Education

Gu Yanxi Dean of CBX Research Institute

"Under the epidemic, how to use blockchain to improve the online education industry? 》 Excerpt:

We can combine blockchain technology with Internet information technology to create a platform that serves some educational institutions in the industry. Internet technology provides information communication between these educational institutions and users. Blockchain technology is used to determine the rules of cooperation for automatic execution. Of course, in such a platform, payments between users and educational institutions are made directly.

Users and educational institutions conduct direct transactions instead of going through a channel platform. In this way, each educational institution is responsible for its own products, that is, responsible for the profitability and risk of its own products, so it is not necessary to sell to channel intermediaries at a fixed cost.

In this solution, the core part of the blockchain application is that the benefit distribution rules can be written in smart contracts in advance. These rules are mutually agreed upon by educational institutions. Then after this smart contract is deployed, after the user pays, the revenue distribution between the platform education institution and the lecturer is automatically executed. This uses technology to ensure the automatic execution of business rules.

Professor He Cheng, Deputy Leader of Education Card Working Group of Education Management Information Center, Ministry of Education

Shao Fei Chairman of the Trustworthy Education Special Committee of the Guangdong Province Trusted Digital Identity and Password Blockchain Application Alliance

"Trusted Education Digital Identity Chain Application, Helping New Crown Pneumonia Prevention and Control Work" Excerpt:

After the victory over the New Crown Pneumonia battle, the online education and online management of the campus will continue to develop and become one of the main methods of education and education management in the new era. We can also predict that in the new era of 5G and the Internet of Things, online education and online management models will usher in a new spring of lifelong learning and off-campus training.

Application of credible education digital identity chain to help the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia:

1. The application of credible educational identity chain in the "cloud classroom" of the Education Bureau of Baiyun District, Guangzhou:

Combining "Blockchain + Trusted Education Digital Identity" to achieve "new online classroom and learning space model" for "trusted authentication, trusted records, trusted evaluation, trusted certificates, trusted files", which can be a new era of education The comprehensive reform of the comprehensive quality assessment of students and the education and growth of lifelong learning archives provide credible evidence, and are currently under construction.

2. Trusted Education Health Data Trusted Reporting and Security Collection Platform:

Through the "Trusted Education Digital Identity and WeChat Mini Program", teachers and students can quickly report their own health information, which is convenient for education authorities to quickly, comprehensively, accurately, and credibly grasp the health information of teachers and students during epidemic prevention and control. The education war "epidemic" provides strong technical support, and the Dongguan Education Bureau has been launched.


Distributed Office

Zhu Jiang, General Manager of Blockchain & Digital Finance, Jinshan Cloud

"Under the Epidemic, How to Realize Remote Collaboration and Distributed Office? 》 Excerpt:

The essence of the difficulties we face today is remote collaboration. No matter in which industry field, what is to be solved is how to handle remote collaboration in the current situation.

Frankly speaking, the remote collaborative office in our country is actually not so mature and accepted by everyone.

How to achieve remote collaboration and distributed office. These all depend on the empowerment and technological innovation of today's digital technology clusters led by blockchain and cloud computing.

Ruijuan Yuan Assistant to President and General Manager of Huobi Labs

Excerpts from "The New Challenges and Opportunities Brought to the Leaders by" Fangcun Tiandi ":

To be precise, the difference we should really focus on is "home + distributed". Home-the top priority.

Think of the role of the family before the role of leadership, to the extreme.

In the current "home distributed" working state, we need to strengthen the following points:

First, speak well, speak clearly and meticulously.

Second, timely information synchronization, communication, deduction, and review, so that everyone feels that they are next to each other at any time.

Third, during working hours, the online response time does not exceed 3 minutes.

Fourth, set KPIs on a quarterly basis, set event goals on a monthly basis, set specific assessment points on a weekly basis, and plan on a daily basis.


Blockchain Business Organization

Zhao Wei Director of China Intellectual Property Development Alliance Blockchain Commission, Tsinghua Internet Industry Research Institute Blockchain Commission

Excerpts from "The Construction of a New Blockchain Commercial Organization under the Impact of the Epidemic":

This outbreak has carried out a de-falsification and truth-reduction of the blockchain industry, eliminating the advantages and disadvantages.

Blockchain is a technology.It is a technology that has a deep impact on the technical level, industry application level, economic and social structure. It will not make a sudden breakthrough because of the epidemic, nor will it hinder its development for too long because of the epidemic.

Companies generated by blockchains should stop thinking about what platforms to build with the Internet, but instead try to become part of the ecology and become the most indispensable part. If you are still trying to build a platform, it may be ignored before it is formed. Therefore, the decentralization of the blockchain is, on a large level, the decentralization of the large Internet platform, not other centralizations.

So use the technical underlying principles of the blockchain to think, take the changes in time and space as the starting point, use the changes in information flow, capital flow, and logistics as the content of business model construction as the object, and rebuild the business ecology as a part of the ecology To build a business model.

Gao Bin, Deputy Director of Blockchain Committee of China Communications Industry Association

Excerpt from "The first year of the blockchain-enabled business after the epidemic":

This epidemic actually gave the best commercial turning point for blockchain.

What is most needed in the era of big data is ecological governance. A bat has become a huge black swan. How to avoid it and how to manage it? I think this can be solved by the blockchain. This process brings huge business opportunities because it brings Actual value. After this time, as a relational technology, blockchain will definitely be used from passive to active, especially the issue of trust enhancement of public organizations, multi-department, multi-role, and cross-temporal collaboration.

In the future, the blockchain-based business model will take individual consumers as the basic unit.

Traditional office methods and traditional corporate structures will be affected, and related business models will be forced from the traditional economy to digital transformation through epidemics.


Blockchain + Employment

Zhang Xiaoyuan, Head of Industry and Talent Research Institute of Blockchain, Founder of Chainman International

"After the epidemic, blockchain will lead 5 new employment models" Excerpt:

After this epidemic, the demand for blockchain posts has further contracted, the gap between supply and demand should be larger, and job competition will also increase.

Blockchain will lead 5 new employment models: 1. Transfer of offline recruitment to online; 2. Distributed office; 3. Inter-industry alliance cooperation; 4. "House economy" emerges; 5. Unmanned distribution.

With the more integration of blockchain and human resources, it is likely that the multi-dimensional evaluation tags of each practitioner's work experience and acquired skills will be recorded on the chain more and more frequently.

If the blockchain industry is starting to have a real inflection point, the bubble is gone, and real guns are fighting, then God has also given us an inflection point for mental preparation. We started to think about what can really carry this industry. Don't look at what others have done that you can't, but think quietly, what you can do, what you should do. As long as it is determined, no matter how small it is, we must be down-to-earth, accept the arrangement of believing in life, and be good at the moment.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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