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brc20-swap goes live Explaining the development process, product model, and future expectations

This article by LianGuaiNews will provide you with a detailed explanation of the development process, product model, ...


Market Analysis: The trend of Bitcoin is similar to that of 2015. What signal is released?

As it turns out, April is a very positive month for the encryption market. Bitcoin can hold the $5,000 mark without a...


Halving the market: Is your bitcoin halved?

Not surprisingly, the Bitcoin market continued and slammed into the $13,000 mark. For such a radical market, all mark...


Bitcoin lightning network concept proponents publish new papers and propose new expansion plans

According to Coindesk's June 5 report, Jadge Dryja, an early adopter of the Bitcoin Lightning Network concept, p...


The United Nations has set up a cryptocurrency fund to accept bitcoin and Ethereum donations.

The latest player in cryptocurrency is the United Nations, the world's largest international organization. On Oc...


Data analysis: a summary of the geographical distribution of Bitcoin / Ethereum global nodes

BlockBeats news. Decentralization is a very important feature of cryptocurrencies. Many times we take the number and ...