Li Qiang, Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Committee, investigates Wanxiang Blockchain Company

Li Qiang, secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, went to some fintech companies to conduct in-depth investigations this afternoon (December 16) on accelerating the construction of an international financial center. Li Qiang pointed out that in 2020, Shanghai will basically build an international financial center that is compatible with China's economic strength and the international status of the RMB. Now it has reached the final sprint stage. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Jinping ’s inspection of Shanghai ’s important speech, and closely follow the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping ’s important speech on the development of blockchain technology during the eighteenth collective study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Firmly grasp the new trends in technology and industry development, actively seize the commanding heights of financial technology development, accelerate the application of blockchain technology, focus on promoting the development of the payment industry, do a good job of risk management, and continuously improve the global influence, competitiveness and display of Shanghai's international financial center degree.

Further open up the innovation chain, application chain and value chain, better empower upstream and downstream enterprises, and better serve the development of the real economy

In recent years, China Baowu Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. has actively explored the application of blockchain technology to commodity trading and supply chain financial services. Its European metallurgical cloud merchant uses the Baowu ecosystem as its business scenario and relies on domestically-developed blockchain underlying technology. Provide inclusive financial services to a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. Li Qiang listened in detail to the introduction of China Baowu Group's use of blockchain technology to promote the development of the real economy, and in-depth exchanges with enterprise leaders on strengthening the development of core blockchain technology. He said that at present, Shanghai is accelerating the construction of the "five centers". Finance is one of Shanghai's core functions and outstanding advantages, and it is a key link and an important support for the construction of the "five centers." We must accelerate the establishment of an international financial center. Fintech is an important direction, and the application of blockchain technology is an indispensable and important content. The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out the direction for us to accelerate the development of blockchain technology and industrial innovation. It is hoped that China Baowu Group will give full play to its own advantages, focus on the real economy, focus on high-end manufacturing, take the lead in building the steel industry blockchain ecosystem, accelerate the reconstruction of the traditional manufacturing industry chain, and further open the innovation chain, application chain, value chain, and better. Empower upstream and downstream enterprises, better serve the development of the real economy, and help build the Shanghai financial technology center.

Firmly grasp development opportunities, and further create distinctive highlights around key industry areas, so that blockchain technology can better play a supporting and enabling role in the industry, and promote the construction of a social credit system

China Wanxiang Holdings Co., Ltd., which is located on the North Bund, is committed to the promotion and application of blockchain, big data, and artificial intelligence technologies. It has held the Blockchain International Week in Shanghai for five consecutive years, which has had a wide impact. Li Qiang carefully listened to the company's Wanxiang blockchain and Tonglian Data's two financial technology companies' business development and core technology research and development, and discussed with the company's leaders on the creation of a blockchain development ecological cluster. He said that the application of blockchain technology is continuously expanding in the fields of digital finance, the Internet of Things, intelligent manufacturing, supply chain management, and digital asset trading. It is necessary to firmly grasp the development opportunities, and further create distinctive features around key industry areas, so that blockchain technology can better play a supporting and enabling role in the industry, and promote the construction of a social credit system. Shanghai must focus on creating a financial technology ecosystem that is conducive to financial enterprise innovation and breakthroughs, open up more diverse application scenarios, and vigorously cultivate and develop a group of competitive and influential industry leaders.

Provide more application scenarios, promote the development and utilization of big data, promote the deep integration of financial payment with the urban industrial chain and service chain, and continue to grow and strengthen the payment industry

As the core hub of China's bank card industry, China UnionPay Co., Ltd. strives to build a "highway" for financial payment in China, with the cumulative number of cards issued ranking first in the world. Li Qiang came to the China UnionPay headquarters to experience the application of UnionPay smart products in unmanned supermarkets, focusing on understanding the development of cloud flash payment projects and the implementation of blockchain technology application scenarios. Li Qiang said that the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center is a national strategy and cannot be separated from the support of large national financial institutions. China UnionPay's core tasks such as cloud flash payment and internationalization are highly consistent with the construction of the Shanghai International Financial Center. It hopes to continue to play the role of the platform and hub of bank card clearing institutions and focus on promoting innovation and development in the payment field. Shanghai will provide more application scenarios, promote the development and utilization of big data, promote the deep integration of financial payment with the city's industrial chain and service chain, and continue to grow and strengthen the payment industry.

This big article on deep and practical payment innovation promotes the deep integration of blockchain technology with the payment industry and smart cities, and promotes the application of more new technologies and new business models in Shanghai.

Alipay (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd. is a leading third-party payment platform in China. As of now, Alipay and its parent company Ant Financial have provided inclusive financial services such as payments to more than 1.2 billion users worldwide. Li Qiang came to the headquarters of Alipay and listened to the introduction of the company's operation and development in Shanghai, promotion of globalization, and independent innovation of blockchain technology. When communicating with the person in charge of the enterprise, Li Qiang said that the new round of technological revolution has not only profoundly changed the payment method, but also promoted the integration of financial functions such as consumption, payment, credit and financing. Whoever seizes the opportunity of fintech can seize the track and master the initiative of future financial development. It is hoped that Alipay will seize the advantages of Shanghai's data resources and user market, do a deep and realistic payment innovation article, promote the deep integration of blockchain technology with the payment industry, and smart cities, and promote more new technologies and new business models in Shanghai Application, better help Shanghai accelerate the development of payment industry. Shanghai will continue to optimize the business environment to provide better services and create better conditions for enterprises to develop in Shanghai.

Shanghai leaders Wu Qing, Weng Zuliang, Zhuge Yujie, Fan Yifei, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, Chen Derong, chairman of China Baowu Group, and Hu Wangming, general manager participated in related investigations.

Source: Published by Shanghai

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