Web3 Industry Survival Guide: 5 Simple to Incredible Methods for Preventing Sudden Death and Fighting Depression

Web3 Industry Survival Guide: 5 Ways to Prevent Sudden Death and Fight Depression

Author: Kitashin

It seems that the most discussed topic among Web3 industry colleagues last week was depression…

This industry is indeed more prone to mental exhaustion than other industries, as it can always give you a roller coaster-like high-saturation emotional experience, forcing you to “forever be young, forever tearful”, and you must also keep up with the cutting-edge knowledge and insider information, otherwise you will lose your talking points for the next few days.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the Web3 industry practitioners who live a comfortable life by hopping between cafes and Wi-Fi are actually the ultimate evolution of corporate slaves—going towards mental exhaustion in irregular consumption (because you never know what will happen next in Web3).

This article is not about the Web3 industry, but about how people in the Web3 industry can maintain a high-energy state and stand at the forefront of the wave (instead of falling or lagging behind)?

If overwork and depression cannot be completely avoided, but death from overwork and depression can really be avoided. Although there are already many similar experience posts, they are almost like weight loss secrets, almost destined to be an “impossible task” unless you are a tough person.

Here are 5 very effective and key solutions (the fifth is the most effective) that “Piercing Whistle” has compiled in practice, which are painless. Welcome patients to check them out!

1. Follow the circadian rhythm

Because there is no need to clock in early to go to work, Web3 nomads stay up late more often than ordinary white-collar workers.

There is an ignorant and arrogant view that as long as you sleep for 8 hours and maintain a regular work and rest schedule, it is enough. They completely ignore the phenomenon of circadian rhythm that exists from bacteria, plants to mammals. In fact, unless you have edited your genes in a targeted manner, don’t go against the biological laws that have evolved for billions of years. Following the human biological clock is the most basic prerequisite for maintaining energy and emotional stability.

We don’t have to force ourselves to sleep at 10 o’clock, but we should try to avoid being high at two or three in the morning for a long time, otherwise the incidence of sudden death and depression will increase linearly over time. But many times it’s not that we don’t want to sleep, but that we can’t sleep. In fact, there are two very effective ways to solve insomnia—sunlight intake and temperature rhythm.

1. Let the retina absorb more sunlight

Our circadian rhythm is encoded in our genes, and the reason why it is basically consistent with the Earth’s rotation law (24 hours per cycle) is mainly because the light source is leading the calibration of the biological clock (temperature, diet, sound, etc.). Note that taking in sunlight is not in conflict with sun protection, because the ultimate goal is to let the retina absorb sufficient sunlight, which will inhibit the production of melatonin and make people more energetic. When the light is dimmed, melatonin begins to be secreted, inducing sleep. If you don’t get enough sunlight during the day, melatonin will start to secrete early, and by night it will already be overdrawn, making it difficult to fall asleep.

This is why when you’ve been driving all afternoon, or just lying on the beach all afternoon, even though you haven’t used much physical or mental energy, you’ll sleep soundly at night.

2. Increase the range of body temperature changes

Although the circadian rhythm is mainly determined by the light source, the change of body temperature also plays a significant role. People are more awake and energetic when their body temperature rises, and they often feel drowsy and tired when their body temperature drops.

So exercising and sunbathing during the day will raise your body temperature, make you more energetic, and make your body temperature drop faster at night, resulting in higher sleep quality (the necessary condition for entering deep sleep is a decrease in core body temperature).

Other easy ways to increase the range of body temperature changes include taking a bath and turning on the air conditioner in the summer.

3. Maintain an active state

The nature of being a Web3 nomad means that our nerves are constantly fluctuating between relaxation and tension, which is very helpful in improving actual work efficiency. The body is the same and needs to switch back and forth between stillness and activity.

But if I suggest that you exercise, it’s just nonsense, and it’s likely to be useless because it’s counterintuitive and hard for us to execute.

There is no need to pursue heavy weights or high intensity. Just doing light exercises that raise your heart rate to 120 intermittently or even just taking a walk is enough and you will feel refreshed afterwards.

In short, being in an active state from time to time will activate your body to deliver more blood to your brain and muscles. This is something that was evolved during long periods of hunting and gathering. According to experiments in behavioral medicine, even walking for one minute every hour can lower blood pressure by 5%.

Countless experiments in psychology have shown that walking can significantly improve creativity and is virtually a mode of production.

3. Interacting with the Real World

Web3 nomads spend a lot of time in the virtual world. Although it has not yet reached the virtual world of The Matrix, most of the time during the day (especially attention) is spent in the virtual world, which is easy to cause anxiety , so it is important to quickly rebuild your real world.

1. Eat in a restaurant as much as possible

Ordering takeout is convenient, but it will keep us stuck in front of the screen, even when we are eating. So it’s better not to order takeout and take a walk to a nearby restaurant. At least it allows you to interact with real people in a real setting.

2. Meet People in Person

Web3 nomads who travel in the digital world often become isolated from the real world. It’s a good idea to meet friends in the real world and chat in a relaxed environment. This is a need even for introverts, but everyone’s capacity is more or less different.

You can even go to a popular shop/street alone to experience the atmosphere and build your sense of reality in this world.

3. Enter Nature

Psychological experiments have shown that students who take a cognitive task after resting in a park perform better than those in the city, and even just looking at pictures of nature and the city can make a significant difference in performance.

It should be noted that after taking daily nutritional supplements for a period of time, the body may experience metabolic burden if the original dosage is continued, so the dosage can be adjusted as necessary.

1. Coenzyme Q10: Heart Power

Due to the fact that Web3 digital nomads often live across different time zones, it is highly recommended to supplement with coenzyme Q10. One of the important reasons why staying up all night is possible at the age of 20 but becomes increasingly difficult with age is that the coenzyme Q10 content in the myocardium peaks at the age of 20 and synthesis ability decreases after the age of 25.

The conversion of energy in human cells cannot be achieved without coenzyme Q10. If we compare mitochondria to energy processing factories within cells, then coenzyme Q10 is like a conveyor belt that transports fuel to this factory, which is particularly important for the heart, a highly energy-consuming organ.

Therefore, the coenzyme Q10 content is closely related to the severity of heart failure, and mild deficiency can cause chest tightness and fatigue, moderate deficiency can lead to palpitations and angina, and severe deficiency can cause sudden death. It is worth noting that all those who stay up late for long periods of time should supplement with coenzyme Q10.

There is no need to worry about its side effects, because it is not a hormone but a substance similar to a vitamin, so taking it as a daily supplement in safe doses is no problem.

2. Complex vitamins: Rescuing Picky Eaters

Vitamins are a series of trace organic compounds that maintain normal physiological functions in the human body, so they have various functions. Different vitamin deficiencies have corresponding symptoms.

Daily drinking can provide a certain amount of vitamins, but due to the lifestyle habits and dietary structure of Web3 digital nomads, additional supplementation is still necessary (such as staying up late can consume more vitamins in the body, and failure to supplement them in time can lead to closed pores, oral ulcers, etc.).

Taking complex vitamins directly as a daily supplement is the most convenient method, as they basically contain all kinds of vitamins needed by the body, and generally also add other ingredients (various minerals and trace elements, but not too many). Of course, if you are a heavy nutrition enthusiast, you can directly match according to your real-time needs.

It is important to note that “more is not better” when it comes to vitamins. If taken in excess, the body may not absorb them, and it could put a strain on the liver and kidneys. Fish oil, which is made up of the essential fatty acids EPA and DHA, also known as Omega-3, is crucial for the human body and mainly affects the cardiovascular system. If people do not have the habit of eating at least two servings of fish (such as boiled or grilled fish) per week, they generally lack Omega-3. This is why Eskimos and fishermen worldwide, despite eating fewer fruits and vegetables, rarely suffer from cardiovascular diseases. When it comes to selecting a fish oil brand, there are hundreds of options. People have different sensitivities to price and Omega-3 content, so they should choose a well-known brand within their price range.PQQ is also a coenzyme, and while CoQ10 transports energy to the mitochondria, PQQ can promote mitochondrial growth directly. Therefore, they are often consumed together. CoQ10 has a direct effect on myocardial function, while PQQ focuses more on repairing and generating nerve cells and has a more obvious effect on cognitive function, such as preventing dementia and improving memory. The most direct effect is clearing brain fog (such as difficulty concentrating and slow reactions). Brain fog is largely the result of excessive accumulation of free radicals in brain cells, and PQQ can stimulate the repair and growth of nerve cells, thus clearing free radicals and enhancing learning and memory abilities. NMN (β-nicotinamide mononucleotide) is a new anti-aging product. The price of a single bottle has even risen to tens of thousands, and NMN concept stocks have appeared.

2. Stay active. Pursue light exercise that elevates your heart rate to 120 bpm, such as taking a walk. You should feel refreshed afterwards.

3. Interact with the real world. Quickly rebuild your connection to the real world by doing the following: 1. Eating meals in person; 2. Socializing with people in person; 3. Spending time in nature.

4. Get a biannual physical examination. There is no more cost-effective medical care than a physical examination. Early detection and treatment is key.

5. Nutritional supplements. Recommended supplements for people who work long hours include: 1. Coenzyme Q10; 2. Multivitamins; 3. Fish oil that protects against a range of health problems; 4. PQQ that clears brain fog; 5. NMN that fights aging; 6. Complex amino acids that help with recovery; 7. Magnesium, zinc, and South African devil’s claw that help regulate mood; 8. Turmeric that helps with hangovers and liver protection.

Lastly, the author poses a divergent question: Keep went public in Hong Kong with a market capitalization of HKD 15.928 billion, while StepN, which has fallen 95% from its peak market capitalization, is still worth HKD 1.95 billion.

If the narrative of StepN, “Your steps are more valuable than you think”, holds true, then can a Web3 health project be launched? After all, “Your body is more valuable than you think,” and nutritional supplements provide a more direct experience with similarly low barriers to entry.

Please feel free to leave comments, and follow “Whistle”, who not only researches the crypto industry but also cares deeply about the health of Web3 nomads.

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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