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21.6% of BTCs did not move within five years, a record high, and new arrivals led to a decline last month.

Bitcoin's recent sell-off has caused its price to fall below $7,500 for the first time since May, but this is no...


8 exchanges hold more than 1.95 million BTC, direct calls from investors are too dangerous

Eight major bitcoin exchanges hold more than 1.95 million bitcoins ($ 14.1 billion), and cryptocurrency investor and ...


The last decade of blockchain: Looking back at 2010 to 2020

Source | ConsenSys Edit | Summer On January 3, 2009, against the backdrop of the global financial crisis exacerbating...


In the past week, the total amount of Bitcoin’s large transactions plummeted by 97%. What does this mean?

Source: Shallot Yesterday morning, bitcoin and other mainstream currencies appeared diving. Currently, Bitcoin's...


Getting started with blockchain | Hope the blockchain "talking words" friends, you can understand here

Source: Orange Book Joining the Orange Book for 7 months and 22 days, I have experienced many stories of magical real...


Digital currency will not die within 10 years, but bitcoin will be replaced?

Recently, a company has conducted a survey on digital currency in Europe. The results show that most Europeans believ...