Weekly NFT Market Data Review: Total Market Cap / Floor Price Both Significantly Decreased, Azuki Elementals Boosted Trading Volume

Weekly NFT Market Update: Market Cap and Floor Price Both Decreased Significantly, Azuki Elementals Increased Trading Volume

21Shares data analyst Tom Wan reviewed the important NFT transaction data of the week, with a total market value drop of over 20%. The highest drop among blue-chip NFT floor prices was 77%. NFT trading volume increased due to the impact of Azuki Elementals minting.

The total market value of NFTs calculated in ETH has decreased by 27% from 4.59 million ETH to 3.32 million ETH. In USD terms, the market value has decreased by 26.4% from $8.56 billion to $6.3 billion, while ETH has increased by 7.4% during the same period.

Due to the minting of Azuki Elementals, the weekly trading volume of NFTs has increased by 47.3% compared to the previous week. However, the trading volume of Beanz + Azuki accounts for 32% of the total NFT trading volume due to disappointing minting results.

The US dollar floor price of blue-chip NFTs has dropped significantly, with Beanz, Azuki, Potatoz, BAKC, MAYC, Doodles, Meebits, Captainz, CloneX, Mfer, BAYC, Otherdeed and Moonbirds ranking in order of the percentage decrease. The Pudgy Penguins, y00ts, Milady, DeGods, and Cryptopunks series have performed well.

Reference: https://twitter.com/tomwanhh/status/1675772779801772033

We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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