Share potential investment opportunities and niche projects worth paying attention to: Flashstake, Protectorate Protocol, aori…

Share investment opportunities and niche projects: Flashstake, Protectorate Protocol, aori...

Crypto researcher 0xGeeGee shares their favored or continuously watched directions and some niche projects in the current crypto market.

1) Yield expectations: I have always been bullish on Pendle, and the restart of Flashstake 2.0 has also piqued my interest. Although the field is currently almost entirely dominated by Pendle, it is a good time to grab it. The new token economic models that promise “real returns” and the vetoken model often attract people’s attention. The $FLASH token now bears the best and worst risks in the protocol, and simplifying the architecture by removing ftoken and creating a large pool is also good.

2) NFT lending liquidity layer: The Protectorate Protocol, built on Arbitrum, is currently almost unnoticed. I like NFT and NFTfi related protocols this year. In terms of yield, the ETH lending yield of the NFTFi protocol is very interesting (liquidity risk is also the same). $PRTC is a governance and revenue token, and also has bullish token options, similar to Tapioca, Timeless, Dopex, etc.

3) Aori and options: Although I am not satisfied with the investment return rate of the initial position (protocol nft), the results of the past few auctions are far lower than the minimum rfv. The aori system has different levels of seats, basically 250 tickets and a transparent treasury, which can be verified on the chain or on its website.

4) Nour’s new protocol Surge: with innovations such as no oracle and no permission required.

5) NFT derivatives: mainly nftperp, Tribe3, and NFEX, as well as NFT option protocols such as Wasabi. Overall, the efficiency of the NFT market is relatively low this year, which is an opportunity to delve into these protocols.

6) Avalanche: This chain seems completely dead to me (in terms of investment), but the GoGoPool protocol looks interesting, which is equivalent to Rocket Pool on Avax.

7) PythNetwork: Clone partially solves the liquidity problem on Solana, although holding synthetic tokens or wrapped tokens may have security issues, but actual transactions are expected; Aether, a currency market on Sei, is also worth paying attention to.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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