Market Trend Prediction and Potential Alpha: Inverse Finance and Symm

Market Prediction: Inverse Finance and Symm

KOL Billy Bob Bagholder wrote an article analyzing the future trends of cryptocurrencies in the next six months. BTC and ETH have slowly started to rise due to the push from Blackrock ETF news, while altcoins have performed averagely, but some high-quality targets can be found from certain perspectives. Additionally, Inverse Finance and Symm are two potential alphas the authors are paying attention to.

Although I don’t predict major volatility in the short term, the news about Blackrock ETF has already started a slow rise in BTC and ETH that I believe will continue over the next 6 months. From January 2024, there will be more explosive movements, leading to FOMO among retail investors due to the halving in April 2026 and another altcoin cycle.

Many altcoins have already returned to or are close to the lows after the FTX incident. I don’t think there will be major increases in altcoins over the next 6 months, but I believe the downside is limited unless there is still a large amount of unlocking. Worth noting projects should have a strong and determined team, at least 1-2 years of operation (through treasury or protocol revenue), and an important release/update roadmap. Reference data: charts of accumulation areas near ATL after FTX, near full unlocking.

Configuration Project 1: Inverse Finance has always been a victim of vulnerabilities, which led to bad debt of 8-digit DOLA (DOLA is INV’s stablecoin). In December 2022, Inverse released its first fixed rate lending product, FiRM. Recently, with the increase in DOLA and DBR liquidity, FiRM’s TVL has been soaring. Overall, INV is in a good position and could become one of the best comeback stories of 2023.

Configuration Project 2: DEUS is another project that has suffered multiple attacks due to its stablecoin DEI. Due to these vulnerabilities and other issues, we have decided to separate the stablecoin through the Symm protocol, which will be launched later this year. SYMM’s unique technology provides a B2B infrastructure layer for quote-based peer-to-peer trading for leveraged on-chain derivatives. Other configuration projects: DIGITS, NEWO, and OATH.


We will continue to update Blocking; if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us!


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